
A Podiatrist is a registered specialist qualified to diagnose and treat foot disorders. They are also called chiropodists. This branch of medicine deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the human foot. The practice of Podiatry, or Chiropody, is the care and treatment of the human foot and associated structures in health and disease.

A Podiatrist is trained and skilled to assess, diagnose, and treat problems such as strains, sprains, and fractures of the foot and ankle, and also biomechanical deformities. Their professional field of expertise includes dermatological problems of the lower extremity, and many other conditions of the lower leg. While much of their professional focus is on treating the foot and associated structures, their professional service very much includes prevention and education. They are also skilled in testing, screening, and recommending the correct way to foot health.

Podiatrists and Chiropodists analyse gait to provide footwear guidance applicable to the workplace and sports field. They are also specialists in performing various other foot checks, for instance if you are diabetic it is recommended that you have an annual foot check. A Podiatrist will do this and provide you with the needed diabetic foot care advice.

Examination of children’s feet is an essential part of podiatry. A lot of children have structural imbalances of the feet that may go unrecognized. This can lead to other deformities and imbalances within the skeletal system. If detected early, these imbalances of the feet, which might be related to the bone structure, are treated so that a strong foundation can be provided for the later years.

Senior citizens often require care for many foot ailments commonly seen at this time of life. A Podiatrist is able to provide routine palliative care for problems, such as unmanageable toenails and calluses, to diabetic ulcerations and infections. On the more serious side, seniors sometimes suffer from circulatory impairment and degenerative joint and skin conditions that a Podiatrist is able to advise on, or treat and care for.

Podiatrists are registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Find the contact details, profile information and practice location of the specific Podiatrist of your choice via our easy search. Contact them directly for session rates and details of the specific treatment offered.

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